MaXfield is committed to safety. That is why we strive every day to foster an environment of safety for the public, our employees and our customers. We hold all employees, from entry level to senior management, responsible and accountable for implementing our overarching safety policies.
Public Safety
MaXfield holds its provincial Certificate of Recognition (COR), Alberta’s primary safety certification. Our three year external COR is current, and we conduct an internal COR audit annually. Our COR number is 20021126-4005, Steel/Metal Fabrication Industry Code: 0100.
Employee Safety
We have a full time safety advisor based in our main facility in Crossfield, Alberta. This supervisor is the head of the entire safety team, and ensures that all staff have the proper training and qualifications. The safety advisor also ensures that all our regulatory safety certificates are up to date, and that all personnel achieve the safety certifications they need. The safety supervisor also ensures that timely retraining is available to all staff so they can keep their certifications up to date. The safety supervisor oversees the safety coordinators that are posted at each MaXfield facility.
Customer Safety
Safety doesn’t stop at the door. We are proud to provide comprehensive customer training in regards to the operation of all anhydrous ammonia handling and application equipment we manufacture. We conduct a variety of workshops on behalf of the industry, conducting training schools at our facilities across western Canada. We also provide training out in the field if there is sufficient demand.
We believe that safety is everyone’s responsibility, and always strive to ensure that all our employees and customers have the safety training they need. By fostering an environment that focuses on safety we are able to help ensure our staff, our customers, and the public are kept safe. For more information on our safety practices contact us today at 403.258.3680 and visit